7th December 2021 - Planning The Launch
Update - 15th December 2021 - over 200 copies sold in the first week across eBook and Paperback - a great start and with some marketing press PR to come. If you read and enjoy the book, please do leave a review on Amazon - it all helps!
In advance of the 7th December 2021 launch of Brands, Bandwagons & Bullshit, it became obvious that I should plan the release publicly using the very strategies outlined in the book.
To get the ball rolling, below you'll see a rough cut launch strategy covering all channels I'll be deploying (mostly organic - book margins are far from generous!).
I'm keen to treat this as a 'live learning' project with ongoing influence from my network, so if you have any ideas, recommendations or comments as I plan the release, please let me know on here. I'll also be updating the BB&B website (link in comments)
The core KPI is to get BB&B to the # 1 spot on Amazon's chart in the 'Marketing' category for at least a day.
Here we go...